I was to the
Stockholm Jazz Festival yesterday. After seeing a couple of Great shows it was time for the main act and the reason I paid 425 SEK for the ticket in the first place, Kanye West. I actually changed my summer plans for this concert. You know I mentioned going to the south of Sweden. The original idea was to take the boat from Gotland to Oskarhamn instead of Nynäshamn and continue the trip from there. The change of plans was worth it in any case. Not that I'm the world's biggest Kanye fan but I like his style. OK, he's a Champagne rapper but at least he shows from time to time than he's about more than just cars, cribs and chicks.
This statement during an aid show for the New Orleans flood victims could easily have damaged his careeer like the Dixie Chicks's but it seems that it only made his street cred stronger. I also think he's a bit more relaxed than some of the other rappers (50 cent, Dr Dre...). It's hard to imagine 50 posing in a teddy bear suit.
Higlights from the concert were my favourite songs "the New Workout plan" and "Hey Mama". The latter is the greatest mum tribute I've heard to this date. I also loved when he was freestylin over "Bitter Sweet Symphony", played live by an orchestra of seven gorgeous women playing string instruments, including the harp. They were playing alongside A-track (five time DJ World Champion) during the concert. It wasn't like metallicas flirt with classical music orchestras. It blended quite naturally with the rap music. Finally, I loved when he played his favourite music and danced to it. After a Michael Jackson track the DJ, to everyone's surprise, played "Take on Me" (yes, that song by Norwegian Group Aha) while Kanye spinned across the stage. Priceless.
All in all, a good night in the company of good friends.
I'm not the worlds most industrious blogger, I know. Still think things should improve when I go to Grenoble. The plane leaves early in the morning the 22nd of August and after I land in Paris I'll transfer to the
Train à Grand Vitesse to Lyon and after that it's bus to my final destination, Grenoble. I'm looking forward to it tremendously. I'm not not, however, looking forward to the task of packing 20 kgs + cabin bag for a 4-months stay. Hopefully people can visit me and bring some stuff.

Since my last blog entry I've, amongst other things, worked hard (and sometimes been hardly working) at the boat, I've gone to Gotland, been pampered by my dad and his wife and realised that coffee can be a nice experience (at least it the beans are of good quality and are newly-grained), I've dropped my programming course (I worked more on the boats than I thought I would, and it used up my time) and I've gone by bike from Linköping to Södertälje. Around 210 kilomtres in two days. I even bought bike pants (I know it's kah-rayzee!) but I'm glad I did since my butt was killing me as it was after two days on the bike.
Now comes a period of taking care of the details before the Grenoble trip. Large obstacles such as plane tickets, getting an apartment in Grenoble and finding someone who can rent my room in Linköping are already taken care of, so I'm quite relaxed.
gosh! It's alreade twelve o'clock. I guess I'll leave you guys for now. But first som funny stuff:
This year's best
football song.William Shatner's (aka. Captain Kirk of Star
"Tribute" to George Lucas and Star
Wars.I just
can't stop watching
this. He is soooo good playing the friggin' ukulele.
Bu-bye now...