Hey everybody!
First off. I realize that a ridiculously large percentage of the people reading this has Swedish as their mother tongue, but since I still have some non-Swedish friends I'll probably write in English, at least most of the times.
My hopes are that this blog will be an easy way for you to keep you updated with what I'm doing and thinking. It's going to be tough giving you a resumé of my first two years here in Linköping so I hope one of the latest week will do.
I've started biking with biking shoes after an "intense" lobbying campaign from my older brother. I wasn't that hard to convince but anyway. Biking with biking shoes is quite an interesting experience, especially when you forget that you have them on. Imagine one of those nature films, where they cut down a huge tree and it's slowly falling over, and you'll get an idea on how it looked when I fell in the woods the other day (in a large puddle of mud, of course). Need I say that my shoes are not that clean anymore?
Yesterday I got a flat tire which was a bit annoying since I was 4 kilometres into a bike trail in the woods and about 9 kilometres from home. In the end it worked out great. After two kilometres of walking in bike shoes (I don't reccomend it one bit) I entered a small community and ended up in the backyard of a house owned by a police man and his family. The guy had a bike chain tattoed on his upper arm and "bike cog" in silver around his neck. I couldn't have ended up in a better place. He fixed my tire (!) and soon after that I was on my way home. Absolutely amazing and a good reminder that kindness is cool.
Oh, and I got a scholarship for my Grenoble year. It feels great that some hard work actually payed off. Ask me about it if you want to know more.

Well. The weather's too nice to do blogwork. More later. Do write comments...
Tjaba, bra idé det här. Får man automagiska mail utskickade när du skriver eller är det bara rss som gäller? Hoppas man kan välja...
Förresten så är det där frappr pain in the ass eftersom man måste skriva ex:
Umeå (Sweden) annars säger den att staden inte finns.
Anyway, fin blogg med fina bilder o skön bild!
Hallå där kära kusse!
Fasiken va coolt med en blogg. Jag är impad! Och du skriver verkligen bra Erik. Och som den sportfåne och datanörd jag är så tycker jag du är inne på helt rätt spår. Biking är ju super. Om det är skogsrundor du gillar mest så åk Mörksuggeloppet i Rättvik. Det ska va riktigt skoj. Har inte åkt det själv men skulle gärna göra det. (Du kan väl storyn om Mörksuggan? Den svarta mumintrollsliknande figuren som äter upp stigen så du inte hittar hem....) Vi Javelinare älskar mörksuggor för de är lite som Morran i sin karkatär. Inte elak egentligen bara ensam och ledsen och ser farlig ut.
Lev loppan i Linköping så hörs vi framöver.
Kramar Q
Tjusigt! Detta är en testkommentar från en inte hel anonym ma i Gröndal. Mycket återstår för henne att lära i bloggvärlden.
Kram /L
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