Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Local games

(I Wrote this monday two weeks ago, then I couldn't upload it right away, so the time references are a bit outdated)

Gravity vs My Neighbours : 5-6-7... a lot – 0

There's a family who lives a couple of stories above me. They seem to be doing the laundry quite a lot. Nothing strange there. It's just that, every other or third day there is laundry on the ground in the little inside yard of our house. I'm trying to figure out why they don't buy more clothespins. Maybe they just really like to get their clothes dirty without wearing them.

Erik vs French Food : 0-1

I had a lovely baguette this saturday before I went out for the BDS rally. It might've a been a bit too crispy though cuz one of my my fillings (lagningar) broke. Now I'll have to spend a couple of days looking like Cletus from the Simpssons. It doesn't really hurt, it just looks silly, as you can see.

Yesterday, Sunday the 17th, I also had the opportunity to go to the birthday party of one of my new friends. It was around 25 people there and I'm happy to say I knew quite a lot of them. It's easy to make friends here. It remains to be seen how easy these friendships are to sustain but I hope to make at least a couple of friends that I'll stay in touch with. My friend Daniel is 24 years old now which means that he's old, at least compared to the other French students. Most of the engineering students are around 20-22 years old. Having gap years (sabbatsår) doesn't seem to be so common here in France. Anyhow, I'm used to spend time with younger people in Linköping. When in university, you don't really think of the age differences the same way one used to do before.

Tonight, theres another rally but this time it's being arranged by the people who lives in different ”collocs”, that is a flat where people live together (kollektiv). Should be interesting (and it was :-), I survived the Absinthe...)

Wierd Al, don't know how he keeps doing it...

(I can add that my teeth are doing fine now. I went to this private dental clinic with only blond nurses and a young dentist. I got it recommended by a [female] friend and they did a good job. Not to expensive either.)


Anonymous said...

Blonde nurses... val omhandertagen?

Anonymous said...

Oh ja, men inte mer än vanligt är jag rädd ;-)